YiBuy is a platform that provides free online shopping services for overseas Chinese. It is affiliated to Guangzhou Xiaoqiyu Information Technology Co., Ltd. YiBuy can purchase products from any Chinese website including Taobao, Tmall, JD.com, Dangdang, Suning.com, etc., and ship them overseas, allowing global customers to easily enjoy the fun of shopping in China. YiBuy was the first in the industry to propose the concept of "zero service fee", creating a new model for purchasing Chinese products! We have always been committed to the promise of cross-border shopping: easy shopping, free shopping, cheap shopping, and safe shopping.
Purchasing on behalf of others, in layman's terms, means finding someone to help you buy the goods you need, perhaps because you cannot buy this product abroad, or because the price of this product abroad is higher than in China. Helping someone buy goods from China and then shipping them to foreign countries by express delivery is a common form of purchasing on behalf of others.
Through Yibuy China, you can search for products on all major shopping websites in China, and you can shop directly with foreign currency payments without the need for RMB. All products from across the country are at your fingertips, which is absolutely fast and convenient!
Benefits of using YiBuy China Purchasing Agent
1. You can choose and buy online products from mainland China without limit
2. You can use US dollars, euros and various circulating currencies for shopping
3. You can receive your overseas products within 7 working days at the earliest.
4. You can get a complete return and exchange system guarantee
5. You can get professional services from the Yibuy China customer service team to answer any questions you encounter during shopping in mainland China
Under what circumstances is it appropriate to choose purchasing agent?
1. You are used to using products and services from mainland China, or prefer a certain brand of goods, and you entrust us to buy them when they are not available abroad.
2. Professional materials, books (especially Chinese versions) or equipment. For example, a university or research institute needs to buy some very professional books or software, which cannot be purchased abroad, but can be searched on Chinese mainland websites for product sales information.
3. Fashionable and cutting-edge: Keep abreast of the latest trends in mainland China, including Ruili clothing, pop music, celebrity posters, etc.
4. Discover price advantages: Because the labor force in mainland China is cheap and the production cost is low, the prices of most products are much lower; at the same time, Yibuy China has designed a unique money-saving shopping model for customers
5. Clothing size advantage: Clothing sizes abroad are generally larger and do not fit the body shape of Oriental people, but you can buy your favorite styles or clothing of the right size on websites in mainland China.
6. Entrust others to purchase auction items on auction websites in mainland China, such as bidding and purchasing on behalf of Taobao products
Yibuy China Purchasing supports all e-commerce platforms in mainland China, but currently only supports crawling of products from four websites: Taobao, Tmall, 1688, and JD.com. Other websites such as Vipshop, Amazon, Dangdang, and No.1 Store do not support crawling. Users can fill in relevant information according to the prompts on the page and submit the order.
Easybuycn supports shipping to most countries around the world. You can use the cost calculator to calculate: https://www.easybuycn.com/tools/costestimation.html
The following is a reference data for some countries, calculated based on 1kg of goods with a total value of RMB 100.
West Malaysia
East Malaysia
1. Paypal top-up
1. Paypal recharge supports 4 international cards (VISA, Master, American Express, JCB Card) and bank cards from some countries;
2. Regardless of the currency account you use, Paypal recharges are converted into US dollars and Paypal recharges are real-time;
3. Based on the latest exchange rate published by the Bank of China, we will make real-time adjustments from time to time according to the changes in the exchange rate of the Bank of China;
4. The current recharge fee using Paypal is 3.9% + 0.3$.
2. Alipay Recharge
1. Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading independent third-party payment platform in China and an affiliate of Alibaba Group. Alipay is committed to providing "simple, secure and fast" online payment solutions for China's e-commerce;
2. Alipay has established in-depth strategic partnerships with more than 160 domestic and foreign banks, as well as VISA, MasterCard and other international organizations, becoming the most trusted partner of financial institutions in the field of electronic payment;
3. Alipay recharge may be delayed by 1-60 minutes.
3. WeChat Recharge
Step 1: Log in to your account, click "My Account" --- "Recharge", select "WeChat", enter the amount you want to recharge, and click the "Recharge Now" button. Step 2: The system will automatically jump to the WeChat recharge page. Please open the "Scan" function on your mobile app WeChat, scan the QR code on the page, and enter the password on your phone to complete the payment.
Step 3: After the recharge is successful, click "My Account" to check the available balance, or select "Transaction History" to check the recharge status; the recharge will take 60 minutes to arrive.
4. Credit card top-up
If you have a foreign credit or debit card, please select International Credit Card Top-up. No account registration is required and a wider range of credit and debit cards are supported.
Direct payments can be accepted in currencies of over 200 countries.
5. Local bank card recharge
Malaysian local banks: Supporting banks: Maybank, CIMB Bank, Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank, RHB Bank & Bank Islam
6. Offline Recharge
You can choose domestic bank card remittance, or use overseas remittance and Western Union.